
The President - Abulkhanova Ksenia Alexandrovna.

Russian psychologist, expert in the sphere of psychological methodology, psychology of thinking, social psychology and psychology of personality.Philosopher , Doctor of Philosophy (1974), Professor (1993), Academician of the Russian Academy of Education (1993).

From 1987 to 2012. - Head of the laboratory of methodology, theory and history of psychology and Head of the Laboratory of personality psychology in the Institute of Psychology Russian Academy of Sciences

From 2005 - professor of psychology of personality, psychology department of National Research University 'Higher School of Economics'

From 2013 - Chief Researcher, Institute of Psychology RAS.

The Vice President - Koltsova Vera Alexandrovna.

Doctor of Psychology, professor, deputy director of the Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Scientific Secretary - Svetlana Vitalyevna Tikhomirova.

 PhD (Psychology), researcher at the Institute of Psychology RAS.